De baby meisjeskamer van Soof

Soof's baby girl's room

It is always special when our customers come back to us for a second room in the house. Elina was already allowed to think along with the interior of a beautiful atmospheric boys' nursery for Milou and Barry's first child. So it was extra nice to be able to do that for the nursery of their second little one as well!

Beige baby room with floral wallpaper

Milou already had ideas about what she would like for her girls' nursery. In any case, it had to connect with the rest of the house, decorated in a basic country style. To form one whole, the nursery could also be designed in this style. 

The biggest wish for the baby room was the beautiful Sebra cot. When creating the color palette for the room, we chose the beige version of the bed, which would go very well with the wallpaper with small flowers. Choosing wallpaper for a baby room or children's room can be quite exciting. We often hear that parents are afraid that it looks too busy, especially with a smaller print in the wallpaper. But we are always delighted when parents trust our advice and still choose wallpaper! Because really, wallpaper does so much for the atmosphere in a room. And we don't believe in too busy, as long as you make the right connections in the room with other colors, materials and products. 

Beautiful paint colors for the nursery

The colour palette in Soof's nursery remained very calm. This way it matched the rest of the house perfectly. The walls are painted in a warm beige shade and the second-hand dresser was given a warm, dark grey shade. In the Day at the Zoo paint collection you will find the colours 'Bon Bon' and 'No Name' that come close to the paint colours from Soof's room! The end result is a super warm, sweet and romantic room for the little girl. A place that she can make her own, where she can rest and play and that has a nice foundation to grow with her in the coming years. 

Are you expecting and would you also love to decorate such a beautiful room for your little one on the way? We would of course be happy to help you with that. View the possibilities for interior design or ready-made styling advice on our 'Studio' page. We look forward to inspiring you to create a special, sweet and unique baby room, where you can soon welcome your little one!

Love, Jessica and Elina